Army Chemical Review


Army Chemical Review presents professional information about Chemical Corps functions related to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, smoke, flame, and civil support operations.

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The Chemical Regiment is a unique, professional corps of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) warriors, world renowned in countering the entire range of CBRN threats and hazards. Our versatile Soldiers and leaders are fully networked in the CBRN enterprise and operate in full spectrum, capable formations to protect the Nation. the CBRN hazmat needs of our Nation. We accomplish this by focusing on three priorities— taking care of our The Chemical Regiment is an innovative and adaptable force that is dedicated to meeting oldiersǡ iviliansǡ and their amiliesǢ training as we ƤghtǢ and maintaining our Regiment. We are an enduring CBRN team that is committed to the profession of arms, Army values, Warrior Ethos, and the well-being of U.S. citizens. e instill conƤdence in our national and international partners by providing credible CBRN technical expertise and remaining responsive and accountable to their needs. and rewarding initiative. Although our professional CBRN family members are located in diơerent organizationsǡ we work together to accomplish the We empower our people to do the right thing by encouraging candor hemical orps missionǤ The Chemical Regiment conducts CBRN operations to protect national interests at home and abroad. The Chemical Regiment is a professional corps of CBRN warriors—the world leader for CBRN and hazmat operations. It is capable of countering the entire range of CBRN threats and hazards, is equipped with enhanced CBRN capabilities to operate across the full spectrum of conƪictǡ and is fully networked and integrated with the CBRN enterprise to protect the Nation and meet the challenges addressed in national strategies and guidance.

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